Source code for device_manager.device

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Device types that are supported by the device manager and scanners.

Currently two types of devices are supported: USB and LAN devices. USB devices are identified by
their vendor id, product id and serial number. The ethernet (LAN) devices use their mac address for
a unique identification. Device's are simple data classes that store the relevant information of the
device. They are abstracted by their abstract base class `Device`. The device types are also
encapsulated by the `DeviceType` enumeration. This enumeration makes it easier to find out the
device's type and to specify requested types when using scanners or the device manager.

import abc
import enum
import re
import typing
from device_manager.utils.usb_vendor_database import USBVendorDatabase

__all__ = ["DeviceType", "Device", "USBDevice", "LANDevice"]


[docs]class DeviceType(enum.Enum): """An enumeration of available device types.""" USB = "usb" LAN = "lan" @property def type(self) -> typing.Type["Device"]: """Returns the corresponding device type. Returns: type: Corresponding `Device`-type of this enumeration value. """ if self.value == self.USB.value: return USBDevice elif self.value == self.LAN.value: return LANDevice # Unknown device type raise ValueError("Invalid DeviceType: {}".format(self.value)) # pragma: no cover @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value: "DeviceTypeType") -> "DeviceType": if isinstance(value, str): for member in cls: if member.value.lower() == value.lower(): return member for member in cls: if == value.lower(): return member # pragma: no cover elif isinstance(value, Device): return value.device_type elif isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, Device): try: # The property should return a constant value, so `self` is not required device_type = value.device_type.fget(None) except AttributeError: # If it is not working, create an instance, to get the corresponding DeviceType device_type = value().device_type if device_type is not None and device_type.type is value: return device_type return super()._missing_(value)
[docs]class Device(abc.ABC): """Base class for all supported device types.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._address = None self._address_aliases = [] self._old_addresses = [] @property @abc.abstractmethod def device_type(self) -> DeviceType: """Corresponding `DeviceType`-object""" raise NotImplementedError() @property @abc.abstractmethod def unique_identifier(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Returns an unique identifier for this device. This makes device objects of the same or similar type comparable. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def address(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Main address of the device.""" return self._address @address.setter def address(self, address: typing.Optional[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(address, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError("address") self._address = address @property def address_aliases(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """Address aliases for this device. If there are more than one address, which can be used to connect to the device, these addresses can be found here. If there is only one this property remains empty. """ return tuple(self._address_aliases) @address_aliases.setter def address_aliases(self, address_aliases: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]]) -> None: if address_aliases is None: # None is interpreted as empty list self._address_aliases = [] elif isinstance(address_aliases, str): # Convert a single string into a list self._address_aliases = [address_aliases] else: try: self._address_aliases = [] for i, address in enumerate(address_aliases): if address is None: continue # Ignore None-values if not isinstance(address, str): raise TypeError(f"address_aliases[{i}]") self._address_aliases.append(address) except TypeError as exc: # The value to set was not a string-Iterable. raise TypeError("address_aliases") from exc @property def all_addresses(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """All addresses contained in properties address and address_aliases""" if self.address is None: # If `address` is None, the first value of the returned list should not be None. return self.address_aliases return tuple([self.address, *self.address_aliases])
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Converts the object into a dictionary. Subclasses should call super.to_dict, when overriding this function. Returns: dict: Device object represented as dictionary. """ return {"type": self.device_type.value, "address": self.address, "address_aliases": list(self.address_aliases)}
[docs] def from_dict(self, dct: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], old: bool = False) -> None: """Fills the attributes from a dictionary. Subclasses should call super.from_dict, when overriding this function. Args: dct: A dictionary containing values, used to fill these object's attributes. old: True, if the addresses in `d` should be set as `_old_addresses` because they are not upt-to-date. False (default), if the addresses should be set to these values. """ self.address = dct["address"] if "address" in dct else None self.address_aliases = dct["address_aliases"] if "address_aliases" in dct else None if old: self.reset_addresses()
[docs] def from_device(self, other: "Device") -> None: """Updates self from another device. Addresses that are currently in `address` or `address_aliases`, will be moved to `_old_addresses`. Args: other: Device that is used to update self. """ if other is self: # If the other object is the same as this, There is nothing to do return # pragma: no cover if not isinstance(other, type(self)): raise TypeError("other") self.reset_addresses() self.address = other.address self.address_aliases = other.address_aliases # Move all old addresses to `_old_addresses`, that are not already in `all_addresses`. The # old addresses are converted into a set, so there are no duplicates. self._old_addresses = [address for address in {*self._old_addresses, *other._old_addresses} if address not in self.all_addresses]
def __repr__(self) -> str: """String-representation of the device. Returns: str: String-representation of this object. """ return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, repr(self.address)) def __eq__(self, other: "Device") -> bool: """Compares this device object with another by comparing their `unique_identifier`s. Args: other: Other device object to compare with this one. Returns: bool: True, if the objects are equal, otherwise False. """ if type(other) != type(self): # Compare types instead of using isinstance, because both objects must to be the same # and so must their types return False return set(self.all_addresses) == set(other.all_addresses)
[docs] def reset_addresses(self) -> None: """Moves `address` and `address_aliases` to `_old_addresses`.""" for address in self.all_addresses: if address not in self._old_addresses: self._old_addresses.append(address) self.address = None self.address_aliases = []
[docs]class USBDevice(Device): """Special device class for USB devices.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._vendor_id = None self._product_id = None self._revision_id = None self._serial = None self._vendor_name = None self._product_name = None @property def device_type(self) -> DeviceType: """Corresponding `DeviceType`-object.""" return DeviceType.USB @property def unique_identifier(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Returns an unique identifier for this device. This makes device objects of the same or similar type comparable. The unique identifiers of an usb device are `vendor_id`, `product_id` and `serial`. """ return dict(vendor_id=self.vendor_id, product_id=self.product_id, serial=self.serial) @property def vendor_id(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Manufacturer id of the USB device, defined by the USB committee.""" return self._vendor_id @vendor_id.setter def vendor_id(self, vendor_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> None: if not isinstance(vendor_id, (int, type(None))): raise TypeError("vendor_id") self._vendor_id = vendor_id self._vendor_name, self._product_name = USBVendorDatabase.get_vendor_product_name( self.vendor_id, self.product_id) @property def vendor_name(self) -> str: """Name of the device's manufacturer.""" return self._vendor_name @property def product_id(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Product id of the USB device, defined by the manufacturer.""" return self._product_id @product_id.setter def product_id(self, product_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> None: if not isinstance(product_id, (int, type(None))): raise TypeError("product_id") self._product_id = product_id self._vendor_name, self._product_name = USBVendorDatabase.get_vendor_product_name( self.vendor_id, self.product_id) @property def product_name(self) -> str: """The model name of the device.""" return self._product_name @property def revision_id(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Revisision code of the USB device.""" return self._revision_id @revision_id.setter def revision_id(self, revision_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> None: if not isinstance(revision_id, (int, type(None))): raise TypeError("revision_id") self._revision_id = revision_id @property def serial(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """The USB device's serial number.""" return self._serial @serial.setter def serial(self, serial: typing.Optional[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(serial, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError("serial") self._serial = serial
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Converts the object into a dictionary. Returns: dict: Device object represented as dictionary. """ dct = super().to_dict() if self.vendor_id is not None: dct["vendor_id"] = self.vendor_id if self.product_id is not None: dct["product_id"] = self.product_id if self.revision_id is not None: dct["revision_id"] = self.revision_id if self.serial is not None: dct["serial"] = self.serial return dct
[docs] def from_dict(self, dct: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], old: bool = False) -> None: """Fills the attributes from a dictionary. Args: d: A dictionary containing values, used to fill these object's attributes old: True, if the addresses in `d` should be set as `_old_addresses` because they are not upt-to-date. False (default), if the addresses should be set to these values. """ super().from_dict(dct, old=old) self.vendor_id = dct["vendor_id"] if "vendor_id" in dct else None self.product_id = dct["product_id"] if "product_id" in dct else None self.revision_id = dct["revision_id"] if "revision_id" in dct else None self.serial = dct["serial"] if "serial" in dct else None
[docs] def from_device(self, other: "USBDevice") -> None: """Updates self from another device. Addresses that are currently in `address` or `address_aliases`, will be moved to `_old_addresses`. Args: other: Device that is used to update self. """ if other is self: # If the other object is the same as this, There is nothing to do return # pragma: no cover super().from_device(other) if other.vendor_id is not None: self.vendor_id = other.vendor_id if other.product_id is not None: self.product_id = other.product_id if other.revision_id is not None: self.revision_id = other.revision_id if other.serial is not None: self.serial = other.serial
def __eq__(self, other: "USBDevice") -> bool: """Compares this device object with another by comparing their `unique_identifier`s. Args: other: Other device object to compare with this one. Returns: bool: True, if the objects are equal, otherwise False. """ if not super().__eq__(other): return False return self.vendor_id == other.vendor_id and \ self.product_id == other.product_id and \ self.revision_id == other.revision_id and \ self.serial == other.serial
[docs]class LANDevice(Device): """Special device for ethernet devices.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._mac_address = None @property def device_type(self) -> DeviceType: """Corresponding `DeviceType`-object""" return DeviceType.LAN @property def unique_identifier(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Returns an unique identifier for this device. This makes device objects of the same or similar type comparable. The unique identifier of an ethernet device is its mac address (physical address). """ return dict(mac_address=self.mac_address) @property def mac_address(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """The mac address (physical address) of this ethernet device. When setting the mac address, it is automatically converted into a standardized format. """ return self._mac_address @mac_address.setter def mac_address(self, mac_address: typing.Optional[str]) -> None: self._mac_address = self.format_mac(mac_address)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Converts the object into a dictionary. Returns: dict: Device object represented as dictionary. """ dct = super().to_dict() if self.mac_address is not None: dct["mac_address"] = self.mac_address return dct
[docs] def from_dict(self, dct: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], old: bool = False) -> None: """Fills the attributes from a dictionary. Args: d: A dictionary containing values, used to fill these object's attributes old: True, if the addresses in `d` should be set as `_old_addresses` because they are not upt-to-date. False (default), if the addresses should be set to these values. """ super().from_dict(dct, old=old) self.mac_address = dct["mac_address"] if "mac_address" in dct else None
[docs] def from_device(self, other: "LANDevice") -> None: """Updates self from another device. Addresses that are currently in `address` or `address_aliases`, will be moved to `_old_addresses`. Args: other: Device that is used to update self. """ if other is self: # If the other object is the same as this, There is nothing to do return # pragma: no cover super().from_device(other) if other.mac_address is not None: self.mac_address = other.mac_address
def __eq__(self, other: "LANDevice") -> bool: """Compares this device object with another by comparing their `unique_identifier`s. Args: other: Other device object to compare with this one. Returns: bool: True, if the objects are equal, otherwise False. """ if not super().__eq__(other): return False return self.mac_address == other.mac_address
[docs] @staticmethod def format_mac(mac_address: typing.Optional[str]) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Checks if the mac address is formatted correctly. If so, the mac address is formatted in a standardized way (upper letters and colons as separators). Args: mac_address: A mac address with colons, hyphens or dots as separators. None is also allowed. Returns: str: The correctly formatted mac address or None, if `mac_address` was None, too. Raises: TypeError: If `mac_address` has an invalid format and is not interpretable as a mac address. """ if mac_address is None: # None is allowed, but the return value is None, too return None elif not isinstance(mac_address, str): raise TypeError("address") if not hasattr(LANDevice, "_regex_mac"): # Lazy instantiate the compiled regular expression pattern LANDevice._regex_mac = re.compile(r"^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[.:\-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$") if not LANDevice._regex_mac.match(mac_address): # Invalid format of the mac address raise TypeError(f"Invalid mac address format: {mac_address}") # Return uppercase mac-address with colons as separators return mac_address.replace("-", ":").replace(".", ":").upper()
DeviceTypeType = typing.Union[DeviceType, str, typing.Type[Device], Device] class DeviceTypeDict(dict): """A dictionary that accepts `DeviceType`'s or strings as keys. The keys are automatically converted, so it makes no difference if a `DeviceType`-object or a string was used. """ def __setitem__(self, key: DeviceTypeType, value: typing.Any) -> None: """Sets self[key] to value. Args: key: The key used to store the value. If the key is a string, it is converted into a `DeviceType`-object. value: Value to store at self[key]. """ return super().__setitem__(self._get_key(key), value) def __getitem__(self, key: DeviceTypeType) -> typing.Any: """Gets the value at self[key]. Args: key: The key used to store the value. If the key is a string, it is converted into a `DeviceType`-object. Returns: The value at self[key]. """ return super().__getitem__(self._get_key(key)) def __delitem__(self, key: DeviceTypeType) -> None: """Deletes self[key]. Args: key: The key used to store the value. If the key is a string, it is converted into a `DeviceType`-object. """ return super().__delitem__(self._get_key(key)) def __contains__(self, key: DeviceTypeType) -> bool: """Returns key in self""" return super().__contains__(self._get_key(key)) @staticmethod def _get_key(key: DeviceTypeType) -> DeviceType: """Converts a string into `DeviceType`, if necessary. Args: key: A dictionary key of type string or `DeviceType`. Returns: DeviceType: If key was already a `DeviceType` that key is returned. If it was a string it is converted into a `DeviceType`. """ try: return DeviceType(key) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise KeyError(key) from exc