Source code for device_manager.scanner._linux

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Device scanners working on linux systems."""

import os
import sys
if sys.platform != "linux":
    if "DEVMAN_NO_IMPORT_ERROR" not in os.environ or \
            str(os.environ["DEVMAN_NO_IMPORT_ERROR"]) not in ["True", "1"]:
        raise ImportError("Linux-specific device scanners are only importable on linux systems")

import re
import subprocess
import typing

import pyudev

from ._base import BaseDeviceScanner, BaseLANDeviceScanner
from ..device import USBDevice, LANDevice

__all__ = ["LinuxUSBDeviceScanner", "LinuxLANDeviceScanner"]


[docs]class LinuxUSBDeviceScanner(BaseDeviceScanner): """A device scanner that scans for usb devices on linux systems. It scans all usb ports for devices. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._context = pyudev.Context()
[docs] @staticmethod def _device_from_raw(raw_device: pyudev.Device) -> USBDevice: """Converts a raw device provided from pyudev into a `USBDevice`-object. Args: raw_device: A device provided from pyudev as result of scanning all usb ports. Returns: USBDevice: The `raw_device` converted into a `USBDevice`-object. """ if not isinstance(raw_device, pyudev.Device): raise TypeError("Expected \"pyudev.Device\", got \"{}\" instead.".format( type(raw_device))) try: device_type =["SUBSYSTEM"].upper() except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise TypeError("Could not specify the device's subsystem, expected: \"USB\".") if device_type != "USB": raise TypeError("Expected subsystem \"USB\", got \"{}\" instead.".format(device_type)) dev = USBDevice() try: dev.address = raw_device.device_path except (AttributeError, TypeError) as exc: # When the raw device does not contain a path, it makes no sense raise TypeError("Could not get device path from pyudev.Device") from exc # Extracting device properties if "DEVNAME" in dev.address_aliases = [["DEVNAME"]] if "ID_VENDOR_ID" in dev.vendor_id = int(["ID_VENDOR_ID"], base=16) if "ID_MODEL_ID" in dev.product_id = int(["ID_MODEL_ID"], base=16) if "ID_REVISION" in dev.revision_id = int(["ID_REVISION"], base=16) if "ID_SERIAL_SHORT" in dev.serial =["ID_SERIAL_SHORT"] return dev
[docs] def _scan(self, rescan: bool) -> typing.Sequence[USBDevice]: """Scans all usb ports for devices. Args: rescan: True, if the ports should be scanned again. False, if you only want to scan, if there are no results from a previous scan. """ if len(self._devices) > 0 and not rescan: return self._devices self._devices.clear() raw_devices = self._context.list_devices() for raw_dev in raw_devices: try: dev = self._device_from_raw(raw_dev) self._devices.append(dev) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return tuple(self._devices)
[docs]class LinuxLANDeviceScanner(BaseLANDeviceScanner): """A device scanner that scans the local network for ethernet devices. Args: **kwargs: - nmap_search_path: One or multiple paths where to search for the nmap executable. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Regular Expression: " <ip address> <hardware type> <mac address> ..." self._arp_regex = re.compile(r"^[ \t]*((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})[ \t]+(\w*[ \t]+)?" r"([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[.:\-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})")
[docs] def _get_arp_cache(self) -> typing.Dict[str, LANDevice]: """Runs the arp command and extracts ip and mac addresses from the command's output. Returns: dict: A dictionary, mapping strings to `LANDevice`s. The dictionary contains all results of the arp command, that contain a valid ip and mac address. """ devices = {} try: # Run "arp -n", to retrieve all mac addresses from the ARP-cache process = subprocess.Popen(["arp", "-n"], bufsize=100000, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise FileNotFoundError("Command 'arp' was not found. Please, make sure \"net-tools\" " "is installed.") from exc raw_arp_out, raw_arp_err = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: # The arp-command failed return devices arp_out = bytes.decode(raw_arp_out, errors="ignore") arp_err = bytes.decode(raw_arp_err, errors="ignore") if len(arp_err) > 0: # The arp-command failed return devices for line in arp_out.splitlines(): if self._arp_regex.match(line): # Valid line due to regular expression components = line.split() ip_address = components[0] # The mac address can be found in third or second component, depending on whether # the <hardware type> is contained or not. for i in [2, 1]: try: mac_address = LANDevice.format_mac(components[i]) break except (IndexError, TypeError): pass else: # If no mac address was found, continue with next line continue if mac_address in devices: # If mac address is already known, ip address is added to the address aliases if ip_address not in devices[mac_address].all_addresses: devices[mac_address].address_aliases = [ *devices[mac_address].address_aliases, ip_address] else: dev = LANDevice() dev.address = ip_address dev.mac_address = mac_address devices[mac_address] = dev return devices