Source code for device_manager.scanner._win32

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Device scanners working on windows systems."""

import os
import sys
if sys.platform != "win32":
    if "DEVMAN_NO_IMPORT_ERROR" not in os.environ or \
            str(os.environ["DEVMAN_NO_IMPORT_ERROR"]) not in ["True", "1"]:
        raise ImportError("Windows-specific device scanners are only importable on windows systems")

import re
import subprocess
import typing

import win32com.client

from ._base import BaseDeviceScanner, BaseLANDeviceScanner
from ..device import USBDevice, LANDevice

__all__ = ["Win32USBDeviceScanner", "Win32LANDeviceScanner"]


[docs]class Win32USBDeviceScanner(BaseDeviceScanner): """A device scanner that scans for usb devices on linux systems. It scans all usb ports for devices. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._wmi = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") self._wbem = self._wmi.ConnectServer(".", "root\\cimv2")
[docs] @staticmethod def _device_from_raw(raw_device) -> USBDevice: """Converts a raw device provided from the windows device manager into a `USBDevice`-object. Args: raw_device: A device provided from the windows device manager as result of scanning all known PNP devices. Returns: USBDevice: The `raw_device` converted into a `USBDevice`-object. """ if raw_device.CreationClassName != "Win32_PnPEntity": raise TypeError("Expected \"Win32_PnPEntity\", got \"{}\" instead.".format( raw_device.CreationClassName)) if raw_device.PNPClass != "USB": # Only usb devices are accepted raise TypeError("Expected PNP class \"USB\", got \"{}\" instead.".format( raw_device.PNPClass)) dev = USBDevice() try: dev.address = raw_device.DeviceID # On win32 usb devices have many ids, that can be used to connect to the device dev.address_aliases = list(dict.fromkeys([*raw_device.HardwareID, *raw_device.CompatibleID])) except AttributeError as exc: raise TypeError("Could not extract device id and hardware id from Win32_PnPEntity") \ from exc device_type, attributes, instance_id = _analyse_win32_device_ids(dev.all_addresses) if device_type != "USB": # The pnp class (from the device id) also must be usb. Sometimes there are some PCI # devices found. raise TypeError("Expected PNP class \"USB\", got \"{}\" instead.".format(device_type)) if instance_id is not None: # If the second character of the instance id is an ampersand, the device does not have a # serial number instance_id = instance_id.split("&")[0] if len(instance_id) > 1: dev.serial = instance_id # Readout the device attributes for key, value in attributes.items(): if key == "VID": dev.vendor_id = int(value, base=16) elif key == "PID": dev.product_id = int(value, base=16) elif key == "REV": dev.revision_id = int(value, base=16) return dev
[docs] def _scan(self, rescan: bool) -> typing.Sequence[USBDevice]: """Scans all PNP devices from the windows device manager and filters the USB devices. Args: rescan: True, to scan again. False, if you only want to scan, if there are no results from a previous scan. """ if len(self._devices) > 0 and not rescan: # Only scan if rescan is True or no devices were found, yet return self._devices self._devices.clear() # Get all plug-and-play devices from the windows device manager raw_devices = self._wbem.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity") for raw_dev in raw_devices: try: dev = self._device_from_raw(raw_dev) self._devices.append(dev) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): pass return tuple(self._devices)
[docs]class Win32LANDeviceScanner(BaseLANDeviceScanner): """A device scanner that scans the local network for ethernet devices. Args: **kwargs: - nmap_search_path: One or multiple paths where to search for the nmap executable. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Regular Expression: " <ip address> <hardware type> <mac address> ..." self._arp_regex = re.compile(r"^[ \t]*((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})[ \t]+" r"([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[.:\-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})")
[docs] def _get_arp_cache(self) -> typing.Dict[str, LANDevice]: """Runs the arp command and extracts ip and mac addresses from the command's output. Returns: dict: A dictionary, mapping strings to `LANDevice`s. The dictionary contains all results of the arp command, that contain a valid ip and mac address. """ devices = {} try: # Run "arp -a", to retrieve all mac addresses from the ARP-cache process = subprocess.Popen(["arp", "-a"], bufsize=100000, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise FileNotFoundError("Command 'arp' was not found. Please, make sure it is " "installed.") from exc raw_arp_out, raw_arp_err = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: # The arp-command failed return devices arp_out = bytes.decode(raw_arp_out, errors="ignore") arp_err = bytes.decode(raw_arp_err, errors="ignore") if len(arp_err) > 0: # The arp-command failed return devices for line in arp_out.splitlines(): if self._arp_regex.match(line): # Valid line due to regular expression components = line.split() ip_address = components[0] # The mac address can be found in third or second component, depending on whether # the <hardware type> is contained or not. try: mac_address = LANDevice.format_mac(components[1]) except (IndexError, TypeError): # If no mac address was found, continue with next line continue if mac_address in devices: # If mac address is already known, IP address is added to the address aliases if ip_address not in devices[mac_address].all_addresses: devices[mac_address].address_aliases = [ *devices[mac_address].address_aliases, ip_address] else: # Unknown mac address: Create a new ethernet device dev = LANDevice() dev.address = ip_address dev.mac_address = mac_address devices[mac_address] = dev return devices
def _analyse_win32_device_ids(ids: typing.Iterable[str]) \ -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Dict[str, str], typing.Optional[str]]: """Analyses the windows devices ids of usb devices and extracts the pnp class, the device's identifiers and the instance id. Args: ids: A list of device ids of the same device. Returns: tuple of str: device's pnp class (e.g. USB, PCI) dict: Device attributes (e.g. VID: vendor id, PID: product id, REV: revision code) str (optional): instance id (often the serial number) """ device_class = None items = {} instance_id = None for device_id in ids: components = device_id.split("\\") if len(components) < 2: continue # At least to components expected if device_class is None: # Save device's pnp class of first valid device id device_class = components[0] elif device_class != components[0]: # Compare device's pnp class with first device, to ensure they are the same raise ValueError("Different values for device class: {}, {}".format(device_class, components[0])) # If length is at least 3, the last component contains the instance id if len(components) > 2: # Use the last components as instance id tmp_instance_id = "\\".join(components[2:]) if instance_id is None: # Save the first valid instance id instance_id = tmp_instance_id elif instance_id != tmp_instance_id: # Compare the next valid instance ids to the first one, to ensure they are all the # same. If a different one is found, take the longest one, as soon as they are at # least partly equal. if instance_id.startswith(tmp_instance_id): pass elif tmp_instance_id.startswith(instance_id): instance_id = tmp_instance_id else: # Raise an error, if another instance id was found, that is not at least partly # equal to the other(s). raise ValueError("Different values for instance id: {}, {}".format( instance_id, tmp_instance_id)) # The device's attributes are separated with an ampersand key_values = components[1].split("&") for key_value in key_values: try: # Split key and value of an attribute. These are separated with an underscore key, value = key_value.split('_') except ValueError: # If the attributes are not matching the expected format, continue with the next one continue key = key.upper() # Only use uppercase keys if key not in items: # Add new key-value-pair items[key] = value elif items[key] != value: # Different values for the same key are not allowed raise ValueError("Different values for \"{}\": {}, {}".format(key, items[key], value)) return device_class, items, instance_id